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About Us

Rhithu was formed in 2015 with an objective of providing support to Primary schools in Kerala in the process of achieving quality and academic excellence. Our efforts were mainly focused on learning environments, learning spaces and learning experiences in pre-school and primary education.

Our support and services to primary schools and teachers in creating learning environments were highly appreciated by teacher users, parents and authorities including Educational Department, SCERT, SSA, DIET and Local administration bodies.

Our approach

We explore new ways of improving the learning environments at schools because, we believe the Process of teaching and learning is more important than Products. How we learn, why we learn are important for a learner. While redesigning the learning environments, we consider the following guidelines.

Curriculum transaction process should be activity based, giving each child the opportunity to get involved. The teacher should be equipped and familiar with all necessary tools including ICT packages to perform these activities.

Our teachers need to practice strategies of Differentiated Instructions according to individual student’s learning style, Collaborative learning through group tasks, Inclusive Education where all students are valued and get equal opportunity, Dynamic Text by bringing changes when required and creating Local Text by understanding language, culture and history of the community.

We need to have more localised and customized educational contents and activities considering the cultural and linguistic diversity.

Assessment should be for supporting the learning process, not for demarcating and discriminating.


Our projects

Rhithu has been taking up projects since 2016 to support primary schools in Kerala for improving their learning environments. Our products and services enabled these schools in creating motivating learning spaces, improving the reading environments and establishing ICT integrated teaching and learning process. The results were highly enchanting and encouraging to the teachers, parents and local community.

Our associations

Society, Seeking the Ways of Effective Educational Trends(SSWEET) is an NGO working for supporting public education in Kerala. The organization takes up research based projects for improving teaching and learning process in primary schools.

Technology collaboration with ICFOSS(International Center for Free and Open Source Software) an autonomous institution under Govt. of Kerala for sharing and supporting software technology solutions and knowledge.

Darsana Charitable society is an organization of engineers with social commitment. Formed in 2007 by alumni of NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad, the organization is having chapters across the world.