Why whales don’t get brain damage when they swim
Special blood vessels in whale brains may protect them from pulses, caused by swimming, in their blood that would damage the brain, new research has suggested. Go to Source Author:
Special blood vessels in whale brains may protect them from pulses, caused by swimming, in their blood that would damage the brain, new research has suggested. Go to Source Author:
In December 2020, a small landing capsule brought rock particles from the asteroid Ryugu to Earth — material from the beginnings of our solar system. The Japanese space probe Hayabusa… Read More »Analysis of particles of the asteroid Ryugu delivers surprising results
Scientists have just shown how to 3-D print flat wood so that it later morphs into a desired complex shape. The trick: They relied on what could have been an… Read More »No trees were harmed to 3-D print this piece of wood
There has been a lot of buzz about quantum computers and for good reason. The futuristic computers are designed to mimic what happens in nature at microscopic scales, which means… Read More »Traditional computers can solve some quantum problems
In the first-of-its kind, save-the-world experiment, NASA is about to clobber a small, harmless asteroid millions of miles away. Go to Source Author: