
What is ‘makerspace’?

It is a workspace where people of all ages can tinker, design, build and craft their ideas themselves. The tools, materials, space and support are provided at the maketspace in addition to frequent classes and interactions with experts.


For children it becomes a space for choosing areas of their own interest, explore and learn to design, use various tools to tinker, build and share which gives them opportunity to pass through creative learning processes. Children learn more when they make. They learn to recognise their own interests, abilities and limitations.

It is a space for youth to gather, plan, communicate, and share ideas. Anyone interested in art, science or technology can prototype their ideas, to make products and solutions relevant to the society. They will love to become producers instead of consumers.


What facilities will be available to the members in Rhithu makerspace?
Handtools, machine tools, craft materials, art materials, construction materials, Internet, Wi-Fi, computer, software, digital drawing pad, electronics workbench and materials, robotics kit, projector, recording and editing facilities, books, puzzles, toys and games etc. Members will get training and support in using the tools and including software tools.

What kind of projects can be done by members of Rhithu makerspace?
Design and make toys and games, cardboard constructions, furniture making, developing teaching and learning aids, art and craft activities.
Make electronics circuits and experiment, do projects on Arduino(microcontroller) and Raspberry Pi(single board computer), make robots, do coding projects.
3D modeling, animation, story telling, game development, video making.


For more details and membership registration, contact:


+91 85478 51061
